Mace Bearer

SLU 2004 Commencement



Raymond Freese

Emeritus Professor

Mathematics & Computer Science

Saint Louis University



I received my formal training from 1952 to 1961 at the "University of Missouri" (now called University of Missouri-Columbia ) . Since that time I have been employed at Saint Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri, beginning as an "Assistant Professor of Mathematics". For fifteen years (1971-86) I served as chairman of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. My publications include approximately 40 research papers and a variety of other expository and training documents.

During the past 45 years I have served as the dissertation director of 19 PhD Students who obtained those degrees from Saint Louis University. In addition, I have taught a variety of courses in our Department and served on many committees of the Department, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the University and was involved in other related activities.

As part of my professional development as well as to pursue my interest in Germanic and Hispanic culture, I visited a number of German and Spanish courses taught in the Department of Modern Languages here at the University. In subsequent summers my wife and I have visited Europe a number of times.

As of June 30, 2007 I have retired from the university but am continuing work on possible publications on characaterizations of inner product spaces and on a text in Foundations of Geometry.


MAILDept. of Mathematics & Mathematical Computer Science, Saint Louis University, St. Louis MO 63103, USA



Research interests:

Geometrical properties of metric and 2-metric spaces, the characterization of inner product spaces.

My personal Web site

Family, genealogy, hobbies, etc.

The Web site of the Freese clan

Updated: 20 February 2009